I'm a really messy person, especially when it comes to rooms. If you gave me an Olympic stadium I would still find a way to make it look cluttered. I don't like this about myself but for quite a while I've just shrugged it off as being something unavoidable about my nature. It's just who I am. This has kind of changed now I'm living with George because, while I was ok to live in my own mess I really don't want to inflict it upon others. Cue operation tidy up.
My thought process is this; I am a messy person, I accept that, so I am trying to find way to make my messiness not look messy without changing my habits too much. For example, I am really guilty of wearing clothes and then just dropping them around the place or balling them up. Solution! I have bought some cloth bins which fit inside the bottom of my wardrobe- I can still ball up my clothes and dump them but now they are contained and hidden. It's kind of working, too!
One big messiness issue was my hair stuff, I would start off with good intentions and have a shelf for all my hair paraphernalia but in about a week it would just be laying on the floor surrounding my mirror (where I sit cross legged to do my hair). My solution was to create some storage which was movable and floor friendly. It's essentially an Ikea hack because I used the Lantliv plant mover but if you don't need the wheels you could just use a board or flat plate.
You will need:
A PVC pipe wide enough to holster your hair dryer
A saw
Some masking tape
A ruler
A permanent marker
A Lantliv plant mover from Ikea or something similar.
1. With your pen mark on your pipe the length you would like your pot to be. Make sure your hairdryer and brushes fit.
2. Continue marking all the way round until you have a dashed line.
3. Join up the dashes with masking tape so you have a clear cutting boundary.
4. Cut your pipe using the saw.
5.Cut pipes at different lengths.
6. Sand off the tops of your pipes
7. Position your pipes on the Lantliv to work out the positioning you want.
8. Start gluing the pipes down. I started with the little pipe in front, waited for that to dry and then positioned the others around it so I had a stable anchor.