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DIY Snowflake Headband

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! In Edinburgh it is getting super chilly, the Christmas market has well and truly staked its claim on Princes' Street and every day my inbox is ringing with Christmas present ukulele orders. I loooove the festive season and I love to show it! My collection of Christmas jumpers is tremendous, my collection of Christmas leggings is growing thanks to Primark and I have a particular fondness for festive slippers. However sometimes you just need a little nod to the season and so I decided to craft myself a little head piece; and since my hair is far to bright to warrant any colour in it any more I settled on white snowflakes!

You will need:
White felt
Red Felt
A needle and thread or a sewing machine
A pale blue pen
Red ribbon
Card for a template
1. Find a snowflake pattern on line (or draw your own), print out and cut out.
2. Using the palest pen you have transfer onto white felt.
3. Cut out your snowflake
4. Ta-da! Now cut out around 5-6 identical snowflakes.
5. Position your snowflakes in a line on your red felt.
6. Once you're happy with their position pin them in place.
7. Using the smallest stitch possible secure the snowflake in place by sewing neatly around the circle.
8. Now to stop your flakes flapping around sew down the vertical lines of your snowflakes.
9. Trim all your threads.
10. Now trim your red felt back until you have an outline. Remember always do bigger than you need and then trim. You can take away but you can't add on!
11. Now snipe close to your snowflakes, following the exact outline.
12. Pin your ribbon to the back of your felt piece.
13. Sew tightly and securely into place.
14. Snip the ends of the ribbon diagonally to stop them fraying and you're done!

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